www.acmcr.org The Monteverde Conservation League (MCL), Monteverde, Costa Rica, is the keeper of El Bosque Eterno de los Niños, The International Children's Eternal Forest, the largest reserve in Costa Rica outside of government owned land. The 54,000 acres were bought with money raised by children from throughout the world. You can visit the Children's Rainforest and take a group with you to stay in a biological field station deep in the forest. Email info@acmcr.org for more information.
www.cloudforestschool.org The Creative Learning Center is a K-8 bilingual school in the mountains of Costa Rica whose aim is to give children a basic ecological understanding of their forest and the world in English and Spanish so they can effectively speak out and protect it when they are adults. To find out how you can volunteer or become a teacher on the faculty check the web site. www.jatunsacha.org Jatun Sacha means "Great Forest" in Quechua. This conservation organization protects five reserves in Ecuador that hold remnants of fantastic tropical biodiversity from the Amazon, to the cloud forest, from coastal mangroves to dry forest. You can volunteer at any of these sites and experience the forest for yourself while you help. www.ran.org Rainforest Action Network is an activist organization that works to encourage governments and corporations to make wise long-term decisions about tropical rainforests and the resources in them, to allow the forests and the indigenous people who live in them to be sustainable. To find out how you can help with pressing issues or start a local RF Action Group in your area check the web site. www.nrdc.org Natural Resources Defense Council has long championed special places that are in danger. Their "Bio-Gems" program calls attention to ecosystems that need protection. You can write letters of protest and add your voice to the global citizenry that helps build pressure for wiser decisions. www.conservation.org Conservation International's Hot Spot program identifies the world's most bio-diverse regions that need immediate protection. Their many projects encourage economic benefit to local people by supporting sustainable uses of their forests like the Tagua Initiative and Eco-tourism in cooperation with indigenous people. This helps the forest pay for itself without being cut down or mined or burned up. Check the web site to find out about the most remote places to travel and see amazing wildlife without "loving it to death". www.janegoodall.org The Jane Goodall Institute sponsors Roots and Shoots clubs for people of all ages to encourage conservation at home and abroad for people animals and ecosystems. www.gorillafund.org The Dian Fossey gorilla fund international works to preserve the mountain gorilla of central Africa through research, education and anti-poaching patrols. Bookmark these sites and you can click easily every day. The vendors whose ads appear will pay to purchase land to save in tropical forests: www.rainforest.care2.com