Caribbean PanamaBegin your stay in Panama with 6 days on the remote island of Bocas del Toro in the Caribbean Sea. We will have the opportunity to meet local people and snorkel coral reefs and rich mangrove estuaries in Bastimentos Marine National park. We will have time to spend on pristine beaches and in coastal rainforest. The beautiful waterfront station has comfortable rooms holding 3-5 people. The second part will be spent at the Rio Chagras Education Center in the Panama Canal Zone. This excellent facility has classroom, library and observation decks. It is located next to Soberania National Park near the Rio Cabuyo Agro-forestry Demonstration Farm. We will see sustainable development in action as we visit projects at Rio Cabuyo raising iguanas and pacas as alternatives to cattle ranching which are so detrimental to forests. Reforestation programs for teak and mahogany can be seen here, too. We will have hiking time in Soberania National Park where we can see lots of tropical birds, amphibians, monkeys along the trails. We will take a day trip to the Panama Canal and the Harpy Eagle captive breeding project and visit an indigenous village of Emberá Indians.